1. Application form for registration to NURSERY, LKG, UKG, I, III and VI will be available ONLINE only on the school website: - .
  2. Age Criteria.
    a) For NURSERY: A Child should have completed 3 years by 01/04/2025.
    b) For LKG: A Child should have completed 4 years by 01/04/2025.
    c) For UKG: A Child should have completed 5 years by 01/04/2025.
    d) For Class I: A Child should have completed 6 years by 01/04/2025.
    e) For Class III: A Child should have completed 8 years by 01/04/2025.
    f) For Class VI: A Child should have completed 11 years by 01/04/2025.
  3. Filling the Application form does NOT mean granting of admission.
  4. The application form will be available online from: 2nd December 2024, Monday to 31th January 2025, Friday.
    a) Application Fees Rs. 500/- (Non- Refundable)
    b) Application Fee is to be paid online only through our School portal in our website.
  5. Ensure that you have the following documents before you begin to fill the form:
    a) Photograph of the applicant (child), mother & father (separate in Jpeg, Jpg format to be uploaded)
    which is clicked not more than 4 months ago.
    b) Size of photograph should not be more than 500kb.
    c) Copy of Child's Birth Certificate, copy of Aadhaar card (child,father and mother) and Caste Certificate (if SC/ST/OBC).
    d) Both certificate should bear the Child's name, Father's name and Mother’s name written on it.
    e) Caste Certificate should be in the name of the child.
  6. Submit the hard copy of the Filled Online Application Form (along with the above-mentioned documents) to the school office.
  7. NO FORM will be accepted thereafter.
    Please Note:
    * Application Fee is NON-TRANSFERABLE and NON-REFUNDABLE
    * All admissions will be based on interaction with the interview panel. (Date of the Interview will be Informed)
    * Incomplete Form will be rejected. An incorrect entry of D.O.B. for the registration will disqualify the form.
    * We neither accept donations in any form or kind, nor entertain Middlemen/agents.
    * Recommendation of any kind, will be a disqualification for admission.
  8. Other important information’s:
    a) For the Selected Candidates the One Time Admission fees will be Rs. 25,000/- for Nursery, LKG, UKG and Rs. 30,000/- for I, III and VI in addition to the first quarter fee (April to June), which will be informed later.
    b) Date of Birth Once Registered will not be changed.